Essential for People over 40

NMN Capsules for NAD+ (60 x 250mg)

Sale price$69.00 SGD

Caps per bottle: 60
Mg per serve: 500mg (two capsules)
Item form: Acid-resistant capsules

Select Quantity: 1 Bottle (60 caps)

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Arrives by: 4 business days

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What is NMN?
NMN stands as the hero of longevity supplements. Derived from niacin (Vitamin B3), NMN helps to boost NAD+ in your cells. This can lead to a boost in your cellular energy levels, improved cognitive health for a sharper mind, improved cardiovascular health through better vascular function, and an improved metabolism.

AgeMate's Pure NMN Capsules use Enteric Coated Acid-Resistant non-GMO capsules that are designed to resist stomach acids and absorb in the small intestine, improving the bioavailability of the NMN by 30% compared to regular capsules.

What are the effects?
NMN and NAD can affect energy levels, sleep quality, mental focus, fatigue levels, metabolism, and more.

EASY: Addresses core signs of ageing in one simple capsule
AFFORDABLE: Costs less than a coffee a day
CONVENIENT*: Perfectly measured 250mg caps, no self-measuring needed.

Real Results

NMN, What the body needs to restore the decline of NAD.

Based on Scientific Studies
Natural, Vegan & GMO Free
Gluten & Major Allergen Free
Australian Founded

Loved by 10,000+ Singaporeans


Lindsey R

“Hubbie and I are boosting our NAD and ok, wow.. our sleep, energy, mood instantly improved.”

Lisa Naisbet

"My extreme mid afternoon exhaustion has completely gone (Yay I can stay awake at work) and my sleeping has improved so much that I actually struggle to wake up to the dreaded alarm!"


I’ve been dealing with AgeMate for about 5 months now, They ALWAYS respond almost immediately and take care with my questions and queries, I’m so happy to have found them honest and transparent which is hard to find these days

5 effects of taking NMN and restoring NAD

Each is linked to a clinical study.


Studies have shown that supplementing NMN can improve mitochondrial health, critical to metabolic functioning.


A study has shown an increase walking endurance, a measure of energy, in subjects after taking 300mg of NMN.


High levels of NAD+ can help maintain cognitive functioning and NMN facilitates that.

Insulin Sensitivity

A study showed better response to sugar in pre-diabetic women taking NMN supplementation.

Biological Age

A study using NMN in vitro has shown a reduction in the rate of ageing compared to the control group through the expression of age-related genes.

What's The Science On NMN & NAD+?

Decreased NAD+, accelerated ageing

NAD is a molecule that plays a vital role in many aspects of health and ageing.

It's is found in every living cell, and it helps to power the mitochondria, which are responsible for generating energy in the cells. NAD levels decline with age, and this decline is thought to contribute to the aging process.

However, in 2004, scientists discovered a form of vitamin B3 that could raise NAD levels safely and efficiently. This form of vitamin B3, called NMN, has been shown to help reverse the effects of ageing in animal and now human studies. As a result, NMN has the potential to be a powerful anti-aging treatment.


NMN Targets: Cellular senescence

Benefit: Weight management, mood, energy, eye sight, memory, age reversal

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4.7 stars from over 1,000 customers.

Reviews are, by nature, subjective.
Individual experiences may vary.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2178 reviews
Marjorie Faust (Brisbane, AU)

Love the product looking forward every morning when I get up the first thing grab my age mate powder and start my day routine and I tell you I work that hard at work I don’t feel tired I had lifted boxes of orders I feel my energy level went higher and I recommended to a few mate at work

Hi, Marjorie!

Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! We're happy to hear that blend has become a key part of your morning routine and is boosting your energy levels at work. We appreciate you recommending it to your colleagues. If you have any more feedback or questions, feel free to reach out. We're here to help! :)


Stuart Mckinnon (Sydney, AU)

Great product and great service

Hi, Stuart!

Thank you for the 5-star review! We're glad that you're enjoying our products and service. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any concern in the future. We're here to help! :)


David Jones (St Helens, GB)
Davy jones

Not felt anything yet .,but hopeful

Hi, David!

Thank you for your feedback, and I'm sorry to hear you haven't noticed a difference yet.

The effects of our Daily Longevity Blend can vary among individuals. Our blend includes 500mg of NMN, 50mg of highly bioavailable Pterostilbene, and a methyl donor complex. Some people see quick results, while others might need more time or a higher dosage. You could consider increasing your NMN intake gradually, by 125mg or 250mg every 7 days, to see if that helps.

Also, avoid mixing the blend with hot drinks as heat can reduce NMN's effectiveness. Take it 15-30 minutes before or after hot beverages.

I hope this helps and If you have any specific goals or concerns you're hoping to address with AgeMate products, please let us know. We're here to provide support and guidance. :)


Andrew (Brisbane, AU)
I feel better than I have in years

I feel great, i did change a few other things when I started taking the longevity blend, (betaine also), together they seem good.

Hi, Andrew!

Thank you for sharing your experience! We're happy to hear that you're feeling great with the longevity blend and the TMG (betaine). It's wonderful that the combination is working well for you! If you have any further feedback or questions in the future, feel free to reach out. We're here to assist you all the way! :)


roy gay (Sydney, AU)

cant notice any difference at all

Hi, Roy!

Thank you for sharing your experience, and I'm sorry to hear that you haven't observed any changes yet.

The impact of our Daily Longevity Blend can differ from person to person due to variations in metabolism. Some individuals may experience its effects more rapidly than others.

Even though our Blend includes 500mg of NMN, 50mg of Psterostilbene (a 5x more bioavailable alternative to Resveratrol), and a methyl donor complex, some individuals, depending on their NAD levels, may require a higher dose, such as NMN or all three products (some may need 1000mg of each or more). Without reaching the appropriate dosage, achieving the desired results may be challenging.

If you're still willing to give it a try, you can opt to increase the dosage of NMN (or all three powders separately added to the blend) and assess the outcomes. Best to increase gradually by 125mg or 250mg every 7 days, ensuring your body tolerates it well.

Additionally, do not take it with hot drinks as this can degrade the NMN. It's best to consume it 15-30 minutes before or after having a hot drink.

I hope you keep us posted on how it goes and please feel free to reach out if you have more questions or need further assistance. We're here to assist you! :)


Peter Davidson (Sydney, AU)

The only concern I have is that it’s just too expensive to sustain long term

HI, Peter!

Thank you for your feedback. We understand your concern about the cost. Please know that we strive to provide the best value and are constantly looking for ways to make our services more affordable. If you have other concern in the future, please let us know. We're here to help! :)


Simon Oaten (Melbourne, AU)

Not sure if anything I felt any different or notice any difference

Hi, Simon!

Thank you for sharing your feedback, and I'm sorry to hear that you haven't observed any difference yet.

The effects of our Daily Longevity Blend can indeed vary widely among individuals due to differences in metabolism and individual body chemistry. Our blend includes 500mg of NMN, 50mg of Pterostilbene (which is 5x more bioavailable than Resveratrol), and a methyl donor complex. While many people experience positive changes relatively quickly, others might need more time or a different approach to see significant benefits.

Given that some individuals may require a higher dosage to achieve their desired results, you might consider increasing your NMN intake or adding our other powders to the blend. Some users find that they need up to 1000mg of NMN (or equivalent amounts of the other products) to experience optimal benefits.

If you decide to continue, I suggest gradually increasing the dosage by 125mg or 250mg every 7 days, making sure your body adjusts well to each increase. Additionally, it's important to avoid mixing the blend with hot drinks as heat can degrade the NMN, reducing its effectiveness. The best practice is to take it 15-30 minutes before or after consuming any hot beverage.

I hope this helps, and we encourage you to keep us updated on your progress. If you have further concern in the future, please let us know. We're here to help! :)


Jeremy Ryan (Melbourne, AU)
Energy in a jar

It’s easy to fast when you’re feeling nutritionally satisfied. I’m very pleased with how I feel using Age mate.

Hey Jeremy,

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling nutritionally satisfied and pleased with the effects of our products! When fasting feels manageable and satisfying, it's a positive sign. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.


Lisa (Adelaide, AU)
Feedback on packaging

Hi. I have been taking Agemate for some time and love it. Recently I received the TMG supplement. I am not commenting on its effectiveness as I have only taken two doses. What does need discussing is the label. I had to use a magnifying glass to read it. I am on 1.5 magnification eye glasses but this label is terrible. If you need to use such small font, make it black. Keep up the good work with the product range.

Hey Lisa,

Thank you for sharing your feedback! I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the Longevity blend. As for the TMG label, I apologize if it caused any inconvenience. Clear and legible labels are essential, especially for those with visual challenges. I appreciate your suggestion about using a larger font or opting for black text. I'll make sure to pass this feedback along to the relevant team.

Please let us know if you have more feedback, or in need of assistance.


RHonda KIng (Melbourne, AU)
Keeps me going

I consistently take Longevity Blend every morning . I have had stress of having my husband in hospital and this has DEFINITELY helped in keeping me going

Hey Rhonda,

I’m glad to hear that the Longevity Blend has been a source of support for you during a challenging time. Managing stress while caring for a loved one can be incredibly demanding, and it’s heartening to know that the blend has contributed positively to your well-being. If you need any further assistance or have more questions, feel free to reach out. Wishing you and your husband all the best!
